Simple Scheduling Interface With Pest Control Scheduling Software

In the past, office dispatchers answered service requests with pen and paper, making it easier for details to get lost. In the case of larger companies with multiple dispatchers, schedules overlapped, causing many logistical issues. Pest control scheduling software changes all that with a simplified scheduling interface. Smart Service allows dispatchers to look at a live, up-to-date calendar as they take service request calls. The client will no longer have to wait while the dispatcher checks for an opening in the company calendar or with technicians out in the field. Instead, they take a simple glance at the scheduler to see what time slots and technicians stand available for an appointment. Booking becomes instantaneous.

Stop Double Booking Appointments

Double booking appointments represent a common issue with many field service companies. However, double booking in the pest control field is especially disastrous. Double book a technician, and your customer will have to wait for the next available technician or reschedule. With pests inside their home or business, this is not a viable option. Cancellations mean clients lose trust in your pest control company, jeopardizing repeat business. Eliminate double booking with pest control scheduling software. Smart Service gives users a comprehensive view of your company’s calendar and what openings remain available. Simply drag your cursor over an open time slot to schedule your appointment. Our scheduling software lets you see all your free time slots.

Pest Control Scheduling Software Compatible with QuickBooks

Even if you have moved on from paper and pen, using separate software for scheduling and invoicing is much less efficient than using one integrated program. Smart Service pest control scheduling software boasts compatibility with QuickBooks, allowing easy access to all your work order information. When your dispatcher schedules a pest control service appointment, you want them equipped with as much knowledge as possible. With integration into QuickBooks, they will have access to past work orders, chemical tracking information, old job notes, and more. This will allow your dispatcher to schedule the right technician in the right place at the right time.

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