QuickBooks’ New Best Friend

With Smart Service’s help, QuickBooks becomes the pinnacle of pest control technology. Smart Service is a QuickBooks add-on that gives the accounting software the ability to schedule jobs, dispatch jobs, track equipment, monitor employee progress, track chemical usage, and a whole lot more.

Smarter Chemical Tracking

Smart Service offers some killer functionality to help pest control companies keep track of their chemical usage. Make one record of what substance was used (and what animal was sprayed for), and Smart Service will make that data available across all of your company’s devices. Keep everyone on the same page, starting today!

First Class Mobile App

Once you’ve gotten a taste of the Smart Service mobile app, there’s no going back! Replace your junky clipboards with a pest control tool that does it all. From the moment your team steps onto the customer’s premises, they’ll have everything they need to make you proud. Job notes, service schedules, customer information, work histories, custom forms… all this (and more) will be at their fingertips!

Request a demo.
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