Schedule Lawn Care Jobs Using Data on QuickBooks

Schedule jobs using customer and inventory data from QuickBooks. Your lawn care technicians will be informed and prepared for whatever job lies ahead of them! If a work order comes up while your technician is already on a job, simply add it to the calendar and send your technician an alert informing them of the new job. This prevents back-and-forth calling and potential lost business. Your lawn care technicians have their full schedule on their phones or tablets with the dispatch app. No more confusion over addresses, jobs, or schedule times that you would have over a single paper schedule!

Track Location of Field Technicians and Job Status with Lawn Care Dispatch Software

When you’re managing an entire fleet of lawn service technicians, you want to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. With multiple employees, it can be easy to lose track of someone while they’re out on a job. However, as the saying goes, “Time is money.” A lawn care dispatch software like Smart Service can make sure you know where your field technicians are. If you like, you can turn on GPS capabilities through the Smart Service app. Lawn care technicians can also update the status of the job they are on so you are up-to-date with the progress and time frame. This can be very important if another job is lined up for after, and you need to know whether that technician will be able to make it.

Send and Receive Work Order Information While Out in the Field

When you’re out caring for someone’s lawn, you often have to collect customer information, fill out forms, and receive payments and signatures. Rather than keeping a superfluous amount paper and pens (and run the risk of grass stains), receive work order information while out on the field! The important information you gather can then be uploaded onto Smart Service lawn care software and processed into a ready-to-bill invoice at the end of the day. It’s quick. It’s easy. And it’ll save you lots of valuable time. Smart Service takes the pen and paper out of everyday business operations and mobilizes your mobile team of lawn care technicians.

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