Field Service Dispatch Software that Integrates with QuickBooks

If you utilize QuickBooks for customer billing and invoicing, why not use your existing customer data to supercharge your dispatch operations? Our field service dispatch software integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks Pro, Premier, Enterprise, and Online. When a new service request comes in, simply open Smart Service, find an active technician with availability, and enter your customer’s name. Smart Service will do the rest. No more wasted time rustling through filing cabinets, folders, and old work orders. Better still, a single click of a button will send the job and all of the additional information right to your technician’s mobile device. Dispatching is now simpler than ever.

Improve Efficiency With Field Service Dispatch Software

With faster and more accurate scheduling, Smart Service serves as a simpler way to streamline your business, maximize time, and improve the efficiency of your technicians out in the field. Field service dispatch software can also impact your bottom line by narrowing the lost time between the moment a customer request comes in, the moment the job reaches completion, and the moment the customer gets their bill. With our field service dispatch software, your technicians can update work orders in real time, capture customer signatures upon job completion, and close out work orders—all from their mobile devices. Once the work order is complete, Smart Service generates a ready-to-bill invoice inside QuickBooks, ensuring timely and accurate payment for services rendered.

Complete the Job with iFleet and Field Service Dispatch Software

While Smart Service takes care of scheduling and dispatch from your office, iFleet completes the circle out in the field. iFleet is a field service mobile app and the companion to Smart Service. Together, they eliminate the need for clipboards and crush instances of miscommunication. With iFleet installed on a tablet or smart phone, technicians can start their day immediately, view up-to-date schedules, add and receive updates to work orders, and update the office with the paperwork needed to receive payment.

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