QuickBooks, Expanded

What kind of advantages do you gain with Smart Service? All of them! Smart Service expands QuickBooks, adding new functionality to aid in every facet of a service company’s operations. Smart Service allows you to create and schedule jobs for your existing QuickBooks customers, greatly streamlining workflow.

Powerful Marketing and Analytics

In addition to increasing overall efficiency, Smart Service gives you a better way to track everything happening within your company. Find out which employees consistently turn in the best performances and which marketing campaigns yield the best results. Smart Service generates reports automatically, giving managers the vital information they crave.

The iFleet Mobile App

Every business that regularly sends workers into the field could profit from utilizing the iFleet mobile app. This indispensable service tool allows dispatchers to send schedules, work orders, and company forms straight to employees’ mobile devices. Forget all those pesky trips back to the office at the beginning or end of a workday. Workforce communication just got a whole lot easier!

Request a demo.
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