Contractor Scheduling Software for QuickBooks

The work of a contractor business never seems to end, so you mustn’t allow yourself to fall behind. With Smart Service contractor scheduling software, you can sync with QuickBooks to stay ahead of the game. If you already use QuickBooks for billing, this integrated add-on can help tie your invoices to your work orders, streamline customer record keeping, and more. This contractor software eliminates the scramble to match up customer files and obliterates the tedious need to contact everyone involved. Your employees can see what jobs got completed, what invoices need paid, and which clients have already submitted payment in one, integrated database. Your dispatchers, field workers, and other employees can instantly pull all the information for each client, job site, contractor, and more.

Keep Thorough Records with Contractor Scheduling Software

Every job has unique differences, so keeping thorough records represents an essential component to running a successful contracting business. Our contractor scheduling software allows both dispatchers and field workers to keep notes regarding each assignment. If the dispatcher receives specific instructions from the client, those details will attach to the job when assigned. While on the job, your field technicians can use the iFleet app to keep records of completed tasks, how long each part of the job took to complete, and any expenses required to finish the assignment. Nothing will go unbilled again with this detailed, line-by-line record of billable work. Your specialists can also keep notes to help any future crews that work the same site at a later date. This information will prevent workers from asking the same questions more than once and eliminate unneeded extra communication between the job site and office.

Instant Updates to Contractors on the Job with Scheduling Software

Contractors constantly go on the move. They may have to take their skills to more than one job site in any given week or even a single day. This is another reason why open communication is key to any contractor business. With Smart Service, a contractor scheduling software, updates get sent instantly throughout your entire company. Dispatchers can find schedule openings in an instantly-updated company-wide calendar and choose the perfect contractor for the job. Once the new job gets scheduled, crew members in the field will immediately receive an update on their iFleet app. This update will allow all parties to prepare in advance for future jobs and also maximize openings in the schedule. Nothing is more frustrating to a contractor than arriving at a job site, just to find out that the job assignment has been canceled or replaced. If a change in schedule occurs, our contractor scheduling software will alert your contractors on their mobile device instantaneously. Contractor scheduling software eliminates the wasted time of phoning back and forth, instantly aligns schedules, keeps contractors informed, and helps your contractor business run more efficiently as a whole.

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