Track Location and Status of Field Technicians and Equipment with Appliance Repair Dispatch Software

Last minute client cancellations represent an inconvenient reality that every appliance repair business owner faces from time to time. With Smart Service, users can quickly reroute field technicians and alert them of the updated schedule to ensure they use their time effectively. Coordinating the use of a limited amount of important tools and equipment amongst your team can become tricky when schedules get adjusted throughout the day. Smart Service appliance repair dispatch software lets you keep tabs on your equipment to make sure it ends up in the right hands at the right time. In addition, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your valuable assets remain monitored throughout the day!

Appliance Repair Dispatch Software Integrates With QuickBooks

You already use QuickBooks to manage your accounting, why not use it to supercharge your appliance repair dispatch operations? Smart Service integrates directly with QuickBooks, making it easy to hit the ground running with the customer data you already have. Once both programs sync, changes in QuickBooks automatically update in Smart Service as well. For business owners looking to scale up their operations, Smart Service makes it easy to upload an existing QuickBooks customer database and begin scheduling new work. Easily record new customer information to ensure your team remains fully prepared to handle any job that comes your way.

Unprecedented Communication via iFleet & Smart Service

Complete the cycle of your appliance repair dispatch operations with iFleet, our mobile field service app that works hand in hand with Smart Service to streamline appliance repair dispatching, work order generation, and invoicing from a smartphone or tablet. Eliminate the need for hand-written work orders and manual tracking of field techs and equipment, things that cost you time and money. iFleet gives your appliance repair technicians the ability to view scheduled jobs, update work order information while in the field, and close out invoices without having to make a trip back to the office.

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